Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Scientific Quotes On Lungs And Asthma In A Scientific Experiment Which Is The Independent And Dependent Variable?

In a scientific experiment which is the independent and dependent variable? - scientific quotes on lungs and asthma

Based on a quote from a study of scientific research:
"In postmenopausal women decreased the production of melatonin in the evening - a hormone secreted at night, the brain, esp. In the darkness, the higher the incidence of breast cancer

the dependent variable is the independent variable. Why?


Travis K said...

The independent variable is the variable that changes (the amount of melatonin). The dependent variable is the variable that changes in response to the independent variable (the incidence of breast cancer). The dependent variable depends on the value of the independent variables.

ron971 said...

The answer depends on how accurately the researchers designed the experiment. While an independent variable "post-menopausal women", or rather the status of postmenopausal women selected for the survey (the other is "The women) before the menopause. When the researchers divided the women into the high melatonin producers' and include "low melatonin product" on a second level of the independent variables on both groups of women. If so can the presence or absence of breast cancer are the dependent variable, of course, is expressed in nominal level data or catagorical.

The best way to maintain the independent and dependent variables, the division is just that the data that the researchers produced the recording. Beware of the "D" to generate data-dependent variables.

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